Just Nutrition

All-In-One Mobile App & Full-Access 1:1 Coaching

Starting at $270/mo

What’s Included:

Nutrition Plan

Nonrestrictive nutrition plan, tailored to you and your lifestyle. All food groups approved, no fad diets – just real food!

1:1 Support

24/7 chat access with me for your questions & concerns. Bi-weekly check-ins, unlimited Zoom calls, and full accountability.


  • My β€œNutrition Handbook” with recipes and a shopping guide.

Not sure if it’s a good fit?
Schedule a free consultation!

About the Just Nutrition Program:

Do you have your workouts locked in, but you’re missing that important nutrition factor? This program is for you.

You’re absolutely killing it in the gym, not missing a workout, but still just can’t seem to see the muscle growth or fat loss, or endurance you were hoping for. Well it’s probably your nutrition. Let’s change that.

This is a complete one on one nutrition plan customized to fit your needs. No matter where you are in life we can build a plan to meet your needs.

Don’t take it from me.

  • I don't feel like I'm dieting! I feel like I've been educated on what's in food and I'm being helped to make better choices.

  • I've never taken full length photos or had the confidence to wear tiny little dresses, but for the first time I did and felt great. I know it's because of all of your support and knowledge. I just can't thank you enough.

  • I lost 10 pounds in the first 12 weeks, which was great! But honestly, the things I've learned far surpass anything else I'm getting out of working with you. It's really changed my life.


  • NO. Absolutely not. We will be looking in depth at your current diet and making changes to improve your habits and health.

    Our focus is and will always be long term sustainability. You will still get your ice cream, promise.

  • No. Here at MGF our main focus will be teaching you long term sustainable habits.

    You can’t do this with a meal plan, you will receive a handbook with food lists and recipes to help you create these good habits though! AND I am with you every step of the way to help!

  • No. We can also set you up with hand portions.

    Although I do always recommend doing a period of time with macros to get a really good look at what a portion looks like.

  • Yes, this is a subscription. Your commitment is 6 or 9 months.

    Change takes consistency and time, so here at MGF it is our responsibility to make sure you are giving these new changes a chance and not quitting when things get tough.

    As long as you are within your window of cancellation, you may cancel.

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