Hey mama, I’m Courtney.

Just your regular ole CrossFit athlete turned mom turned coach. At the time of my writing this, it’s been almost a decade since I found the gym and lifting weights.

No, I wasn’t someone who played sports in high school or found enjoyment in anything the least bit physically taxing. In fact, I was the one hiding out in the office, trying to skip the mile every week in PE. 

Then when I was 22 my bestie conned me into meeting her at the new Crossfit gym in town and it was all over. Suddenly, I was getting up for the 5 am class and counting macros, I was hooked. Fast forward four years and I got pregnant with my daughter, this was my first taste in the lack of knowledge and care for moms in the fitness industry. 

There were two approaches to pregnancy training, “do nothing” or “change nothing”. Well as an athlete “do nothing” was completely out of the question so I did everything. What a mistake that was, I even followed this into my early postpartum period where I finally gave in to the fact that I was injured and I needed help. 

So I threw myself deep into the research, certifications, and evidence-based studies to make sure moms are given their rightful place in the fitness space. To create a little place for you to be the strongest you can be, Welcome to Rise by Courtney: Moms Get Fit.

Get to know me.

A few of my favorite things.

→ Glamping

→ Spicy romance novels

→ Jesus

→ Lifting heavy weights

→ Mexican food

→ Disney

  • I've never taken full length photos or had the confidence to wear tiny little dresses, but for the first time I did and felt great. I know it's because of all of your support and knowledge. I just can't thank you enough.

  • I don't feel like I'm dieting! I feel like I've been educated on what's in food and I'm being helped to make better choices.

  • I lost 10 pounds in the first 12 weeks, which was great! But honestly, the things I've learned far surpass anything else I'm getting out of working with you. It's really changed my life.

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